Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Glad Tidings To Everybody

Well this isn't exactly the type of Holiday season we had planned, but we are counting our blessings and looking forward to the future. Much of this experience has been made easier with the help and support of our family and friends. Thanks to all and all a good night. – Debbie


  1. here you go. from POGO to be sung to the tune of DECK THE HALLS.
    "deck us all with boston charlie. walla walla, wash, an kalamazoo. nora's freezin'on the trolley, swaller dollar cauliflower, alleygaroo, don't we know archaic barrel, lullabye, lilla boy louisville lou, trolley molly don't love harold, boola boola pensacola hulla baloo!"
    love ya

  2. Merry Christmas Andrew and Debbie, we will be thinking of you guys all day long. I hope we can do a conference call from Peter's place. We all wish we could be there to see that big smile in person .

    Susan, Marty, Ryan & Erin

  3. Andrew and Debbie,
    A wintry Merry Christmas from the clan here in
    Canada eh! Seeing you smile is the best present
    we could ask for. Glad to see you will be able to enjoy a turkey dinner! Thinking of you always,
    Peter, Caroline, Adam, Nick and Laura(leaving tonite for San Fran)

  4. Merry Christmas guys! Hope you and Deb have a very enjoyable. Great to talk to you yesterday Andrew. See you soon.


  5. To everyone who has been with Andrew and Debbie through this, we wish you a very Merry Christmas! You are an amazing group of people and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support. Special greetings of the season to Kent, Meg and Hayden, Steve M., Laura and Andy, Evans, Eric, the staff of Sport Rider and most importantly, the wonderful people at Huntington Memorial Hospital. Because of all of you (and others too numerous to mention!), we know Andrew and Debbie are not alone in all of this and your support has made all the difference to them and also to all of us. Our sincere thanks.
    May you all have a Merry Christmas!
    The Canadian Contingent;
    Peter, Caroline, Laura, Adam, Nick, Stephen, Janice, Keevan and Kristen, Marty, Susan, Ryan and Erin and Mom (Nana).

  6. Dear Canadian Contingent, aka "Team Trevitt of the North"
    Back at cha! Merry Christmas to you all and sincere wishes for excellent health, happiness, prosperity and abundance in 2009.
    We were lucky enough to have Deb and Fred for Christmas dinner at our house and even got to bring Andrew homemade mashed potatoes and gravy for lunch today!! He was HAPPY! Hayden loved the yellow gown and gloves he had to wear. Felt very much like a Dr in training.
    I am whipping up a batch of homemade veggie soup for Andrew this week! *smile* So thrilled he can eat real food (sort of). We have to get some meat on those bones. *smile
    Thank you for the kind words above, we look forward to seeing you all on the next round of visits.
    With love,
    Team Trevitt Los Angeles
