Monday, December 15, 2008

Still Smiling: A Message From Andrew

Hi everybody this is my blog my wife set up for me. I have been here in rehab for a week and expect to be here another two or three weeks. We'll try to keep you updated as to my progress as often as we can.


  1. A beard! Wow! Never thought I'd see the day. It's even better than the Bostrom Bros sideburns. Hope you're feeling better quick. See you soon.


  2. All the Canadian stuff is cool, too. And, look, no wrinkles.

    For the others: I saw Andrew last night and he's in amazing spirits, a genuine inspiration for us all.

  3. Andrew,

    Your attitude and spirit are an inspiration. I look forward to reading more as your rehab progresses and sincerely wish you the utmost success in this journey.

  4. Hey Trevitt -- It's good to see your smiling face. From a cold and snowy Portland, Michelle and I send our best wishes to you and Debbie. Here's a swig of Yukon Jack to your recovery.

  5. Andrew ~ I heard the nurses would not let you eat the homemade turkey soup I brought you the other night because we had not heated it right away and given it to you...(or some such nonsense!) WHAT???
    Well, Hayden and I are ready, willing and able to cook you whatever your heart desires, just say the word. You need to get your strength back and a little meat on those bones MISTER!
    Hayden was so thrilled to bring his new Dr.'s kit to the hospital over the weekend to "take care of you" even though he couldn't get too close.
    You'd better watch out though, cuz he is getting a REAL stethascope for xmas!!! Then he will be real trouble around that hospital. *HA HA HA*
    Andrew, on a more serious note, I want you to know how much we love and care for you and Deb and how we have been humbled by your tremendous grace and enthusiasm under circumstances and conditions that would leave most people in a constant "pity party".
    You and Deb inspire all of us around you and make us want to be better people. YOU lift US up! (When it should be the other way around! *smile)
    We love you, we care, we are here for you and Deb, whatever you need, 24/7, (I think you know that but it is worth putting in writing) and we consider ourselves official members of TEAM TREV.
    With big LOVE,
    Honey, Hayden and K2

  6. Godspeed Deb and Andrew. Such things do remind us of our place on the planet - of who and what is important. This holiday season I will be wishing for Andrew's health and recovery, and that you both end up with all you deserve.

    Kind of a mental wreath, but all I can do from Northern California.

    And Deb, thanks so much for reaching out. I can't imagine what it's like to go through this time, but I do know there are so many people who care so much about what happened and how you guys are.


  7. Andrew, Deb, best wishes from Montreal, lots of people are deeply touched by your misfortune. To see you in these pictures is inspirational indeed. Hope I can visit next time I'm in California.

    Costa Mouzouris

  8. Glad you got this blog going, Andrew! (And Deb!) There's been dozens of motojournos and industry types who have been asking about you and saying all kinds of complimentary things about you, and I'm happy to join the chorus! All the best to you on this unforeseen journey you're now on! Hope to be able to see you soon.


  9. Hey Andrew;
    What a wonderful picture. Wish I was there to help you with that food. I miss doing that. We have all been down to help you through this and we all left a little piece of ourselves there with you. Keep us close as we do you and Debbie. Hope you know that we are all pulling for you will all our hearts here in the cold north.
    Lots and lots of love
    Your Canadian Family in Otterville

  10. Hey Andrew, I talked to Marty this am and he gave me this website. Erin has been keeping me up to date but I was so glad to see your picture. You look great!
    Your friends are right, YOU are an inspiration for all of who get down sometimes.
    Get well quick and say hello to Deb even though I don't know her. Maybe we'll all meet in Otterville one day
    Judi (Lenaers) Rapai
