Saturday, February 14, 2009

Roots Poster Boy

Deb's family is visiting us this week and lucky me received this new hat in the bargain.


  1. Hey Shane, great to see you guys could make it down there for another visit and thanks for taking my place on the "receding hairline support team"..........Marty

  2. the hat works with the beard :D

  3. I think the time has come to be "No more Mr. Nice guy" there scruff has got to go Tre'v!! lol dont make me come sit on you and have Marty shave it off with some cheap twin blade razor from
    See you and your In-N-Out tomorrow for lunch homie!! No food for the Mini pelt... :)

  4. Don't listen to these folks. Experiment with your whiskers! Try a goatee. (a personal fave) How 'bout a stylin' stache? What about those fuzzy things kids are growing on their chins? Then there's always the possibility of going retro with those huge side burns, pork chops or lamb chops or ham hocks--whatever the heck they call them.

    So many options, so much facial hair.

    lis.dkiiii,,;f.//k ยต≤≥≥≥≥df
    jfljd (from Georgia)

    Happy Sunday,


  5. Hey!! Im totaly up for the Bostrom Sideburns, and the Village people stache...heck, even throw in the chin strap on top of all that!! lol!! just loose the beaver!! lol
