Friday, January 22, 2010

Job done!

After a long day at the DMV, I finally passed my test and got my license. When we got there, the computer system was down and the building was packed with people waiting. Luckily, they were still doing tests although we had to wait almost three hours - yep, three hours - to do it. There was even a break in the rain for my actual test, and the sun was shining when we finally finished the paperwork and headed home.

The whole day was made easier because I have a surprise visitor this week. My brother Peter showed up at the door on Wednesday and came with me to the DMV. I think everyone but me knew he was coming, so it was a big surprise when I got home from my appointment that day and he was here. Hopefully there will be a break in all this rain and we can do some fun stuff!


  1. Rain or shine Tre-v conquers!

    Nice work my-man:)


  2. Congratulations, Andrew - well done!



    Santa Barbara, CA.

  3. Who would have EVER thought Tre'V would be LEGAL!!!! As a very smart member of my extended family said when Tre'V passed his test... "Run for Cover!!!" haha!!
    Kool pic too!! think Tre'V sumhow got some Pepper in his eye's eh!! You da man Tre'v!!!

  4. Didn't have the hi res file for that shot huh? ;-)
    Well, it doesn't need to be in focus to capture the emotion of that moment!
    Support has a HUGE influence on recovery, one of the reasons you are doing so well, making all that love you proud.
    Peter you are the MAN!

    J Andrew
