Sunday, November 23, 2014

Physiatry and Occupational Therapy

Some two-wheel shenanigans earlier in the summer

A couple of weeks ago I had an appointment with my physiatrist - the rehab doctor that oversees everything and looks at the big picture as far as how I am doing. I hadn't been for two years and even this visit was more of a checkup, but it was a good opportunity to ask some questions that I've been saving up. The physiatrist seemed quite happy with everything and we talked about making a couple of changes to my supplements and routine to make some things a bit easier. It was all pretty much good news, and she said there's no need to see her again, even in two more years, unless something specific comes up.

One thing we did talk about was travel and how I could be a bit more independent away from home. Right now I am okay when Deborah and I go away somewhere, as she can help me if I run into trouble with anything. Hotel rooms are sometimes not as "accessible" as they could be, and it doesn't take much to make doing something a lot more difficult for me. A couple of examples: Some hotel beds are really high, so the transfer into bed can be a bit tricky. Or, sometimes there is a really nice bench in the bathtub, but it's fixed to the wall at the opposite end to the shower controls and I can't reach them.

I am good with most of the other aspects of traveling. Last summer I helped one of the teams in the Canadian Superbike Championship, going to three of the races. For those trips, I flew on my own to my brother Peter's place near London, Ontario, and he came with me to the track and could help me if I had trouble in the hotel room. For next year, I would like to be able to do this on my own if Peter can't make it, which means staying on my own in a hotel room.

The physiatrist made an appointment with an occupational therapist for me to see if it's something I need to work on myself or if it's some kind of equipment that I need to make things easier. It was an interesting appointment, the therapist showed me some benches and sliding boards that are small enough to go in a suitcase or even as carry-on luggage on a plane, and we came up with a few good ideas. Now I have a few options to look at as far as different equipment and what I could use on my own, and it looks like I may be able to come up with an answer.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to know you are working on being more self dependent. The little breaks from family are always healthy. MG from Egypt.
