Tuesday, January 20, 2009

No It’s Not a Resort

This will be my next stop before I go home. It’s in the works that I’ll be transferred to a full-fledged rehab center next week.


  1. Hi Andrew,
    Never met but I would like to wish you the best in your recovery. You're positive attitude is remarkable. If there's anything you need from Canada...like a Montreal Canadiens Jersey - no problem! Heard that you were from Toronto, hope that gave you a laugh.

    All the best,
    Dat Louie
    Vancouver, British Columbia

  2. Man. That place is pretty spiffy lookin!

  3. It might not be a resort but I don't see any ice on that fountain!
    Andrew, You can't imagine how many people are pulling for you! Just the thought of all these great people, saying and doing nice things,strengthens all of us. Thanks to all of you........ Marty

  4. Great to hear about the move... Must be a moral booster too. And yes, no ice on that fountain doesn't hurt. -20oC this morning in Mtl...

    JP, Mtl

  5. Hey Tre'v! This is Kal, Ricky Bobby's team mate!! ya know, when I stole Ricky Bobby's wife, and we had one of them Nacho Cheese Fountains at our weddin! Had Three kinds of cheeses!! Thats what that reminds me of! Yeeee Haaaaa!!! Shake n Bake baby!!! Well Cant wait to taste some of them crepes you gona make!!!
    I know someone of course that would love to see that Fountain spittin out some Chocolate!! I recon that would sweet as Chocolate cream pie!! Then he could double dip his CupCakes in it!! Yeee Haaa!!
    KAL- Team Ricky Bobby!!!

  6. Hi Trev. I've been following your story since it started being posted at Superbikeplanet.com. I started riding at age 13 and had many off road crashes including hitting a wire wih my front wheel on a dirt road that sent me over the bars onto my head with an open faced helmet. Just bruises luckily. I took last year off after 8 years of mid life street bike riding. Money got too tight to own a street bike. - I am glad to hear you are doing better and I hope you can get out and enjoy the sun and so forth soon. One day at a time. That's all we all can do.
    - Neil, Boston - It's freezing here!

  7. Next week??!!!!! That's great!

    Before you were talking about it being a few weeks away. I guess this is the payoff for all your hard work.

    Keep healing!


  8. Here's a joke for you, Trev...

    An old man in the deep South was sitting on his porch (out in a rural area on the outskirts of a small town) and notices a teenage boy walking past, dragging behind him a whole mess of wire.

    Old man: Hey there sonny, whatcha got there?
    Boy: Chicken wire.
    Old man: Whatcha gonna do with it?
    Boy: I'm gonna go catch me some chickens.
    Old man (laughing): Ya durn fool, you can't catch chickens with chicken wire!

    The boy just smiled and waved as he continued on his way.

    That afternoon, the old man (still sitting on his porch) sees the boy walking back with all that wire behind him....and it's has chickens all caught up in the wire!

    Old man (in disbelief): Well I'll be damned.

    The next day, the old man is once again on his porch when he sees the same boy come walking past with his arms inside of a bunch of silver rolls.

    Old man: Hey there sonny, whatcha got there?
    Boy: Duck tape.
    Old man: Well watcha plan on doin' with all that duck tape?
    Boy: I'm gonna go catch me some ducks!
    Old man (laughing): Ya durn fool, you can't catch ducks with duc tape!

    The boy just smiled and waved as he continued on his way.

    That afternoon, the old man (still sitting on his porch) sees the boy walking back with all the duc tape strung out behind him....and it has ducks all caught up in the tape!

    Old man (in disbelief): Well I'll be damned.

    The next day, the old man is once again on his porch when he sees the same boy come walking past. This time he is carrying a bunch of long stemmed reeds with round, puffy white things on the end of them.

    Old man: Hey there sonny, whatcha got there?
    Boy: Pussywillow.
    Old man: Wait up, I'll get my hat!

    Hope you have a great day. The new digs are looking sweet!

    Craig Morrison
    Castro Valley, CA

  9. Hi Très Vite,

    I was just remembering the good days when you gave the superbike guys a run for their money on your 250. That was cooool!!!

    Take care and get well soon

    Jean Landry
    Verdun, Qc
    Back home

  10. Hi Andrew,
    I just found out about your injuries tonight while checking in at SuperBikePlanet, so I read your blog from back to front to get caught up. You're making great progress and I hope you continue to do so. You're surrounded by great people. You know it's over 25 years since we were racing F2 around Shannonville, Mosport and Sanair. I always wundered what hapened to that CanAm. Keep lookin' ahead.
    I'll check back, soon.

    bob trayner
    mallorytown, on
    great white north

  11. I am a long time subscriber to Sport Rider. So I have read alot of your work, and I must say I really like it.

    When I heard about what happened, it made me very sad. Sad for two reasons, first because another rider was injuried by an careless driver. An second because you won't be able to entertain the Sport Rider readers for a while.

    I am praying that you can work your way through this as painlessly as possible.

    Life deals us some very painful cards sometimes (trust me I have been there, and done that. Just not quite to the extent you are going through). Some how we must grit our teeth. Look dispair in the face, and say "you will not beat me". Trust me I know that saying it, and doing it are VERY different.

    Please count me in as one of the people, that think you can, and will do it.


  12. i just read your whole blog i've been thinking about you everyday since i heard about your tip over. trust in the Lord and he will see you thru this hard hard time in your life. Anthony
