Sunday, June 7, 2009

Week 16? 17? 19? Done!


Whatever week it is, it was a good one - although I'm glad it's over. I needed a break after that for sure, and today I stayed at the Casa and relaxed. Four hours in the CPM machine, some reading, and I even managed to nap for a couple of hours. My elbow is happy about it, no doubt.

The picture today turned up in our box of letters. That's my brother Peter riding his Honda S90 with me on the back, sometime in the late sixties. Note the proper riding attire. What's even more scary is that we're headed straight for the garage, less than a few yards away. And if the garage door was open there was a big pit inside to catch us. Good thing I trust my big brother!


  1. Andrew
    Hi, posted once on here and said hi to you, I'm the guy who posted from Lummi Island WA.

    Think of you often and slip in prayers along the way for your continuing recovery. I've been disabled for the last 7 years due to a chunk of cast iron sewer pipe falling from a roof and landing on my head. Good news is Riding my motorcycle is the best theraphy so far.

    I really appreciate you posting your recovery on here... whenI'mnot around a computer for a while I miss it.

    Lots of people are going to be celibrating you getting out of that place! Can't wait to read the post..."Home sweet Home"

    sure could have used your services trying to dail in my Street Triple R today. Reading your book and being confident enough to put it into pratice is going to take more practice.

    Sure hope to meet you sometime. Take care, Corky

  2. And THAT'S How We roll in the Great White North!
    Love CAT the Out-Law
