Friday, August 7, 2009

Golf and more

The golf tournament and banquet went really well yesterday, we had a great time and Canadians Abroad raised a pile of money for the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation. I got to meet hockey player Luc Robitaille, KTLA morning news anchor Asha Blake, and the Canadian Consul General in Los Angeles David Fransen. As part of its promotion for the tournament, the Reeve Foundation has a story about me: Canadian Californians Golf for Reeve Foundation. We offered to help out with other events for the foundation, and hopefully we'll be doing more with them in the future.

Debbie posted some more pictures on here Facebook page: Debbie's pictures. The one below is her favorite though.

Andrew with the Molson Girls.

1 comment:

  1. You really do look as if you are enjoying it no wonder you offered to help with other events!!
    Hey Debbie, I can't see you in the picture? Just watch him , he is getting pretty fast on those wheels Love mom / Margaret
