Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Year One: Done!!


Today marks the one-year anniversary of my tipover. It almost slipped by without me realizing it but a couple of people called and e-mailed to wish us well and that reminded me. To Debbie and me it seems like it's been both a long year and a short year at the same time, but I think we're both glad it's over.

Now, of course, we can look forward to year two! Less than a month now before I go back to work and that is the next big step to work toward. The office moves to a new location later this week that is supposed to be more accessible than the old building, so the timing works out just right for my return. I'll be counting the days now.


  1. You can Count days?? I thot you only counted clickers!! lol!!
    You da man Tre'v!!!

  2. Congratulations on the milestone Andrew. You’re amazing bud!

    Thinking of you.


  3. We have all learned alot in 12 months. We learned what You're made of and we all hope that we're made of the same stuff!
    You continue to make us all proud to know you.

  4. A-Man to that MarTAY!!! A-Man to dat!!!! Tre'v is deffinetly da MAN!!!
    Even Ricky Bobby knows that!!!

  5. Andrew,

    Great progress in the past couple of weeks.

    I'm happy to hear your jaunt down South went well. Glad that you're ticking things off your personal To-Do List. That's got to be satisfying, less than a year after your incident.

    I'm most happy to hear that you'll be returning to the magazine shortly. I can only imagine what the Welcome Back celebration will entail. No El Coyote lunch but a whole new bunch of restaurants to sample with the new location.

    I'm sure that Kent and Troy will be the happiest to see you back. Wonder how long it will be before you're right back hammering on Troy? Maybe measured in hours, I'm guessing? I'm sure that he's actually missing it.

    Congratulations on all the progress and keep up the great work!

